To start, I need to do the following, we'll keep it business to start:
- List in my new-ish Artfire shop and promote it like crazy, I'm hoping big for this baby!
- List daily in my 2 shops on Etsy and
- KEEP THIS BLOG UPDATED!!! Decide if I want to go back to featuring etsians, hosting giveaways etc...
- Keep a closer eye on the new CPSIA stuff...make sure I understand, and see if this 4th thing on my list is going to cancel out the first 3 things on my list as I will not be able to afford to conform...((sigh))
- Develop a realistic work schedule around my home and family...*dreaming*
Any and all input is greatly appreciated of course!! Any swift-kick-in-the-assers out there feel free to shoot me one...God knows I need it!!
1 comment:
When you find a good S.K.I.T.A., send him/her my way too! :)
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